Великотърновски университет

中国与中东欧政治、经济、文化关系 - 2020

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ISSN: 2603-5030 (Print); ISSN 2603-5391 (Online)

中国与中东欧政治、经济、文化关系 - 2020 


PDF   Table of Contents

PDF   Moral Values in Education in Bulgaria and China (19th Century)  Polina Tsoncheva

PDF    An Analysis of Some Errors in Writing Chinese Characters and Exploration of Chinese Characters Teaching Strategies – Su Chang

PDF   Observation on History Teaching from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication: The "Chinese History Common Knowledge" Course of the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia as an Example – Chang Yuanyuan

PDF   A Study of the Misuse of Grade A Chinese Characters from the HSK Vocabulary by Foreign Language Students – Li Yonghan

PDF   From the History of Bulgarian-Chinese Relations (Civil War in China, Proclamation of the PRC, Recognition and Support by the People's Republic of Bulgaria of the Newly Created Republic) – Nako Stefanov

PDF   “16+1”机制下中国与中东欧国家的经贸合作研究  黄德林

PDF   The Fourth Industrial Revolution and China – Iliyan Mateev

PDF   Reengineering of the Communicative Policies for China Tourists in Bulgaria – Yana Shishkova

PDF    Political Cartoon and China in the First Half of the 20th Century – Ivelyna Vatova

PDF   How Western Religion Tried to Enter the ‘Chinese Way’ or Why Matteo Ricci’s Attempts to Spread Christianity in China Remained Fruitless – Nora Chileva-Xiao

PDF   肯尼斯•伯克新修辞学“同一”理论视角下外宣翻译传播效果研究 – 董元兴,董逸然,陈思

PDF   Characteristics of Chinese Urban Architecture and Garden Art – Aesthetic and Social Aspects – Plamen Legkostup, Iskra Mandova

PDF   The Narrative About The Chinese: Visual Strategies And Hidden Voices – Andronika Màrtonova

PDF   The British Concept of Chinese Language between the 17th and the 19th Centuries – Pavel Petkov

PDF   The Traveling Artist and His Artworks – The Basis of Intercultural Communication  Plamen Legkostup

PDF   Smartphone Applications in Today’s China – Reflection of the Country’s Progress on the Global and Technological Stage – Teodora Yonkova

PDF   What did Lu Xun See in Valko? – The First Bulgarian Literary Work Introduced in China – Zhan Yanyi

PDF   The Concept of “Long” (Dragon) in the Chinese Linguistic Culture – Elitsa Milanova

PDF   A Case Study of Intercultural Communication – Taking “Pushing Hands” & “Serial (Bad) Weddings” as Examples – Liu Zitong

PDF    “Chinese Bridge” Summer Camp for Youths of the Belt and Road Initiative Partner Countries – an Overview – Borislava Lecheva