IX International Academic Conference "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and Central and Eastern European Countries"On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Confucius Institute, the 9th International Scientific Conference on Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe was officially opened on 14...
IX International Academic Conference "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and Central and Eastern European Countries"
"Chinese Investments in Bulgaria" Public Lecture by Teodora Peneva, PhD (BAS)
THE 2ND CHINESE TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM IN BULGARIAThe Second Chinese Teacher Training Program in Bulgaria was held at the Confucius Institute at the University of Veliko Tarnovo from Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, 2019. About 30 Chinese language teachers from Hanban, volunteer Chinese teachers and local...
International Academic Conference "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and Central and Eastern European Countries" October 11-12 2019On October 11, 2019, the Vice-Rector of Veliko Turnovo University – Prof. Dr. Vihren Buzov delivered a speech for the opening of VI International Scientific Conference on "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China...
Chinese Arts Seminar
Public lecture of Prof. Bora Belivanova, PhDOn May 22nd 2018 prof. Bora Belivanova was invited to the Confucius Institute at the University of Veliko Turnovo to deliver a public lecture on Beauty in the Works of Poets and Writers from Ancient Asia. After the lecture...
International Academic Conference "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and Central and Eastern European Countries"The Vth International scientific conference "Diplomatic, Economic and Cultural Relations between China and Central and Eastern European countries" was organized by the Confucius Institute at Veliko Tarnovo University...