Великотърновски университет

Морални ценности, залегнали в образованието в България и Китай (19. век) – Полина Цончева

  • Author(s): Polina Tsoncheva
  • DOI: 
  • Language: Bulgarian
  • Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning
  • Issue: 1/5/2020
  • Page Range: 11-26
  • No. of Pages: 16
  • Keywords: Bulgaria; China; education policy; 19 century; ideology in education
  • Summary/Abstract: The present paper aims at revealing certain features of the moral values on which education in China and Bulgaria is based, focusing on the19th century. Morality is an integral part of the integrated approach to personal education. Its necessity is determined by complex socio-economic relations, the need for regulation and a balance between public and private interests. As moral values are not a permanent category and are directly influenced by changes within a certain society, this paper discuses some characteristics of the social structures and educational institutions as well as the ideological background related to moral education in both countries at that period.