Великотърновски университет

Study on the Trade Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries under the “16+1” Mechanism – Хуан Дълин

  • Author(s): Delin Huang
  • DOI: 
  • Language: Chinese
  • Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy
  • Issue: 1/5/2020
  • Page Range: 73-85
  • No. of Pages: 13
  • Keywords: One Belt, One Road; economy and trade; “16+1” Format
  • Summary/Abstract: Abstract: The economies of Central and Eastern Europe and China are highly complementary, and there is huge potential for our economic and trade cooperation. Since the first China-CEEC leaders’ meeting in 2012, the “16+1” cooperation mechanism has played an important role in the concrete economic and trade cooperation between the two sides. It has not only served as an important platform for the in-depth implementation of the “One Belt – One Road” initiative in the CEE region, but also served as an incubator for the concrete results of China-CEEC economic and trade cooperation. Guided by the China-CEEC leaders’ meeting, “16+1” cooperation has grown stronger and expanded in areas of cooperation. More than 20 platforms have been set up and over 200 specific measures have been put forward. The mechanism has grown into a more mature and influential trans-regional cooperation mechanism. China’s economy is in the transition period of improving the quality and growth rate. Domestic overcapacity is in urgent need of overseas markets, and investment demand is strong. At the same time, CEEC have poor infrastructure, large investment and financing gaps, and are faced with the need to develop the economy and improve people’s livelihood. Therefore, the “One Belt – One Road” initiative comes at the right time and serves as an accelerator for the docking of the strategic needs of both sides. However, the progress of the “One Belt – One Road” initiative in CEE countries is fraught with uncertainties, risks and challenges. CEEC face complex domestic problems and high political risks in economic and trade investment. During the implementation of the “One Belt – One Road” initiative, some CEEC had doubts and concerns about China. In promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and the CEE countries in the context of the “One Belt – One Road”, both sides need to face up to emerging problems and challenges, strengthen policy communication, give full play to the role of the institutionalized exchange platform established by both sides, further deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation, develop bilateral cultural exchanges and promote the healthy development of the free trade system.