Великотърновски университет

Особености на китайската градска архитектура и парково изкуство – естетически и социални аспекти – Пламен Легкоступ, Искра Мандова

  • Author(s): Plamen Legkostup, Iskra Mandova
  • DOI:
  • Language: Bulgarian
  • Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Sociology of Art
  • Issue: 1/5/2020
  • Page Range: 155-170
  • No. of Pages: 16
  • Keywords: China; park art; aesthetics; social networking
  • Summary/Abstract: Over time, there appear dynamic processes, changes in the urban environment and increasing demands on urban lifestyles, which necessitate the need to know the economic, structural and socio-demographic nature of urbanism. This subject is extremely broad, so only the urban planning characteristics of the medieval Chinese capital Chang’an, now – Xi’an, are briefly considered here. The article proposes that landscape art in China is based on the park structure with its components and their importance, focusing mainly on plant elements as basic material in the construction of three-dimensional compositions. The design of the park spaces is also connected with the spatial modeling of the landscape, taking into account the importance of color and perspective. Various classifications of parks are considered – by function, size, construction style and location. Sustainable characteristics of Chinese architecture and park art are outlined, as well as various basic elements used in the construction of gardens and parks in China. Modern parks with their landscaping, flowers, water areas, traditional Chinese style pavilions, recreation areas, attractions, etc. provide aesthetic joy and a place of relaxation and social contacts for different generations of Chinese people and guests of the Celestial Empire. Park art in China and its examples from ancient times are the best evidence of the synthesis of natural assets and the efforts of architects, urbanists, sculptors and artists in the name of beauty.