- Author(s): Diana Maglova
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.62635/qae7-dq8q
- Language: Bulgarian
- Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Issue: 1/8/2023
- Page Range: 366-384
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: family; child; China; policy; demographics; tradition; modernity; folk psychology
- Summary/Abstract: The article is an attempt to summarize briefly the reasons, problems and consequences for China of the introduction of one of the most restrictive family planning policies in the world – the One Child Per Family Policy. China’s demographic dynamics over the past few decades have been extremely influenced by this family policy. This scholarly presentation includes a historical overview, the specific causes, the nature of the problems and the consequences of China’s family planning strategy.
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