Великотърновски университет

Kung Fu for kids

Kung Fu for kids Kung Fu for kids

Trainings are scheduled to take place once a week with duration of 60 minutes in the lobby of Confucius Institute. You can register at the Confucius Institute, room 106 B or by email: confucius.vt@gmail.com.

Fee: 30 BGN 

The fee is payable at the cash desk of "St. Cyril and Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo (room 402, Rectorate), in room 106 B of the Confucius Institute or at a branch of UniCredit Bulbank to the account of the "St. Cyril and Methodius" (IBAN:BG47UNCR70003124859656), basis for payment: chinese course; to the beneficiary: "St. Cyril and Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo. The receipt or the deposit slip should be presented at the Confucius Institute or scanned and send by email: confucius.vt@gmail.com.